The Poway High Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is a membership-based volunteer organization dedicated to making each school year a rewarding and enriching experience for all students.
As a volunteer organization, PTSA is integral to the success of many campus events. We fund, organize, and provide volunteers for a variety of PTSA programs and important school activities which serve to enhance your student's high school experience.
Poway High PTSA Goals
Education Support
Support and enhance the comprehensive education of all students through grants, scholarships and activities.
Fund scholarships and other needs fairly and objectively
Provide direct educational support through programs such as Student Services, Staff and Student Recognition, Reflections, Eye on Art, Library Support and College Readiness
Work to identify underserved students and groups and collaborate with school administration to provide needed resources
Build funding to benefit maximum students by holding local fundraising events, mock testing, and applying for PTA grants
Participation and Advocacy
Increase membership to advocate for all students, staff and families through local, state and national PTA and through member participation in PHS campus activities.
Strive to increase parent, student and staff membership by 10%
Attend bi-monthly Council meetings and share information with the Association
Build volunteer participation through continued outreach
Build community support through Giving Tree, Parent Education, and other events
Increase transparency and communication via website, social media, email and school notifications and Titan Weekly
Promote PHS PTSA contributions, collect feedback through surveys and open communication
Uphold PTSA Best Practices and Standards of Excellence to achieve success for the Poway community.
Recognize student excellence through programs such as Student Recognition and Scholarships
Recognize excellence in parent volunteers and staff through programs such as Honorary Service Awards
Recognize our outstanding staff members with Teacher/Staff Appreciation events
Poway High PTSA Programs
Other Programs
Student Recognition
Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Support of Student Services, Titan Ambassadors, Library
Support Poway High PTSA
We have 3 association meetings per year where members can actively participate and support the PTSA and Poway High. Visit our meetings page for dates, times and location information.
Matching Gift Program
CLICK HERE to see if your company’s Human Resource Department has a Matching Gift Program. Your direct donation to Poway High PTSA may be doubled or tripled by your employer.